Rekha Boyalapalli is a Professional Tennis Player. She had a keen interest in sports and started her career in playing National Tennis tournaments. She was also interested in her education, and was deeply attracted towards serving social and community services. Rekha has made a place among the Indian Female Sports personalities. She had to struggle hard to move out and drive her career in playing Tennis. She grew attraction toward helping others and serving a charity. Besides all, she is an Entrepreneur. She discovered she had enough of entrepreneurship and led her interest towards doing business, and holds some group of companies.
Rekha Boyalapalli was absorbed in many sports Academies. Presently, she is pursuing her Tennis practice continuously in Hyderabad Telangana. She is under the strict guidance of the Tennis Coach, named Mr. Sanjay Kumar in Sanjay Tennis Academy. Also was trained under one of the best WTA / ATP head coaches Mr. Jonathan Moll in Sports Life Academy in Valencia, Spain.
In her early days, she started playing in the All India Tennis Association or shortly known as AITA. At present, she ranks 50 among Women. Besides, she had also made India proud, participating in many Tennis tournaments abroad. She is currently playing an International series, known as ITF World Tour or International Tennis Federation World Tour. She went through training under world’s renowned Tennis Coach, Mr. Tomaz Mencinger, in Slovenia Europe, specifically in Spain. She took her best training from Mundo Sports Academy in Spain, Europe.
Her career achievements started as the Champion in “SITE WOMEN’S OPEN TENNIS” in Hyderabad. She gathered experience and confidence and went on growing. She was awarded the semi-finalist in WOMEN’ SINGLES TENNIS TOURNAMENT, as conducted by the All India Tennis Association (AITA). Also, she was addressed the quarter-finalist in the same tournament. She was held and achieved this position twice, organized by ALL INDIA TENNIS ASSOCIATION (AITA). Holding the 50th rank in Women’s Tennis, she was declared the Winner in Woman’s Single Tennis Tournament by AITA.
Rekha Boyalapalli participated in several tournaments and now she has involved herself in the same. She conducted a large number of tournaments at Lanco Hills and also in other places in the entire Hyderabad city. She initiated many running competitions. She started with 5k (3.1 miles) and later also conducted a 10k (6.2 miles) running event. She was also interested in Zumba and participated in various Zumba competitions with Mrs. Vijaya. Her serving towards charity included the organization of various Yoga Camps along with Dr. C. V. Ram. She participated in many yoga camps along with Mrs. Vijaya.
She created various rural sports development activities by organizing kabaddi, cricket, running, volleyball at Adivemula Village, Nalgonda District supporting the academies like Dose Rama Rao, PRACTENNIS School of Tennis (Mumbai), SMC SPORTS FOUNDATION, Ravi Kiran Tenali (Hyderabad), Subrans Sarangi, SS Tennis Academy (Bhubaneshwar).
Her achievement continues even at the International level. She played at a $25000 ITF tournament in Thailand. She also played at a $15000 KITI tournament in Cairo, Egypt. She was the Champion in Pradhan Tennis Academy (National Series) and was awarded the Semi-Finalist in All India Tennis Association Tournament four times.
Rekha Boyalapalli is a native of the Suryapet District and lives in Manikonda, Hyderabad. She was born into a Hindu family. Her father’s name is Janardhan Maddi. She holds a good command of Hindi, English and Telugu. She has completed her MBA from TASMAC University and holds a Diploma in SWADHARMA YOGA. She is pursuing her LLB, however, she is too focus oriented towards her community service.
Rekha Boyanapalli, has always believed charity is not only to help someone but to provide an inner satisfaction to our mind. She has always kept her focus on helping others with new terms and support for the poor. She believes if we are helping others, then it has proved to be very fruitful to our lives too. But that charity is not for the sake of greed, but our inner voice asks us to take utmost steps to do something beneficial to others for a better living. Your pure heart will define your ethics and morals with ethical values.
Rekha strongly feels that it is a sense of duty to tackle issues of inequality among people. So it is our work to help the needy for a good fortune, and in return, it gives soul satisfaction. She has always been stating some facts which prompt her to give charity to the poor and needy people which have provided right encouragement to others too.
Rekha strongly feels that it is a sense of duty to tackle issues of inequality among people. So it is our work to help the needy for a good fortune, and in return, it gives soul satisfaction. She has always been stating some facts which prompt her to give charity to the poor and needy people which have provided right encouragement to others too.
See what she says about helping others with charity.
Since her childhood, Rekha Boyanapalli feels that charity is a mood-booster when you someone happy because of you. You felt happier and fulfilled with ethical empowerment. Rekha thinks that there is a link between making charity and living a pleasure activity prompt brain for the entire day.
If you give charity to the needy and poor people, then it helps to strengthen your personal beliefs. Rekha strongly believes that she does charity for attaining a feeling of social conscience. She says it is our moral duty to provide others with what we can at our maximum. It is related to our sentiments of personal principles and values. Moreover, it is our moral duty to reinforce our values and beliefs and to live in the manner according to our own ethical choices.
If you give charity to the needy and poor people, then it helps to strengthen your personal beliefs. Rekha strongly believes that she does charity for attaining a feeling of social conscience. She says it is our moral duty to provide others with what we can at our maximum. It is related to our sentiments of personal principles and values. Moreover, it is our moral duty to reinforce our values and beliefs and to live in the manner according to our own ethical choices.
Rekha has been very attached with the children, and every new month she visits an orphanage and meet children. She has formed a good bond with them all. Due to her respectful nature and kindness, children feel delighted meeting her every time. She believes only donating money will not enough to make anyone happy. It is crucial to make others feel happy from heart. Children are to love, and they are future of our country. It is essential to keep them happy every time.
If you donate some goods to the family, it helps to build good relations. Rekha considers everyone to be her family member, and for her, it is essential to keep everyone happy. It is the foremost duty of a member to keep helping each other and to maintain a good bond with them. She believes together we as one can transform our lives and communities.
It is essential to provide better giving, and she has helped others for a significant change and impact in their lives. She feels heartedly happy to perform charity to others. Rekha has been attending many events and functions for the sponsorships to help needy.
Making donations is a chance for showing gratitude towards others. It is not for a show but a generous step to take towards good health and life to others. Charity is not for your personal preference, but it shows your selfless behaviour and initiatives. Rekha says making charity makes your heart happy than receiving something.
So are you ready to help needy people as Rekha does? It’s time to follow her footsteps and make others feel equal with rights to live happily and healthily. Keep inspiring others like Rekha and show positive actions to help others from your heart. It is vital to show altruistic behaviour to others.